Thursday, June 28, 2012


Apparently, I'm stucked with my psychology journal.. So i'm here to take a break..

Post some photos before i continue :D

Monday, June 25, 2012


Hey guys, its been almost a month since i last update this blog.. So it might be a long one? HAHAHA

Holiday came to an end and today is the first day of school.. Guess what? I'm actually blogging in the mid of CSA lecture which is the most boring subject that i took.. What to do? ITS COMPULSORY!

So here is some photos!!

All these were taken while we were so sick of doing our project! HAHA!

So thats about all.. I'll be back real soon..


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I say HI to JUNE

If you realize, it's already the 7th of June.. Time pass really fast in 2012 right? Or is it me only? HAHA

So what have I been doing? Let's see..

Ohh well, exams are here for me but i screwed my foundation psychology A paper.. Its too hard but i can't wait for the result.. excited much! Weeeeeeeee

Another upcoming paper would be CSA which many are not studying cause it's too 'useless' and some don't even know what dose CSA represents after like 6 weeks of school? HAHA

Well Well Well, got to go and i'll be back for more photos and updates after my papers are all done:D
Meanwhile, stay tune to my blog, bringing you more updates on me:D