It was truly amazing how 20 years have past. As years goes by, I became more and more afraid. Afraid of stepping into the real world, afraid of people living me and afraid of the changes around me.
Okiee, I shall not be so negative. Let's more on.
Le #BFFs w/ their boyfriends
And a toast for the birthday boy!
The party was a blast! Like everyone was super high and I was so high that I got complain by the security. Neighbors below complaint! I'm sorry, but it's my day! Thank you everyone who made this possible! Thank you for all the presents!
First time receiving 4 bottles of red wines and 3 bottles of liquors! I mean usually it's always liquors! Like hard liquors?! Well, I guess as we age, we move on to something better like wines. And the remaining presents was super awesome! Super love it! <3

To sum it all, thank you everyone who wished me via msg, social media or in real life, I am truly blessed and HAPPY 20th to myself once again!