Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Hello readers! It's been a very long time since I'm away from my blog! But if you have been following me on my Instagram, you should know that I was busying serving the country, busy with my 19 weeks of BMT! 

I could still remember the day when I first entered the army. I was pretty excited but pretty skeptical about the life inside! How would my life be changed? Can I withstand the tough training that's waiting for me ahead? 

My first book out picture! Looking really happy to be out and back in mainland Singapore! Tekong was hot! You don't get a fan to yourself! You don't have Internet connection cos m1 really sucks inside! 

Few weeks past and slowly, from BMT mates to brothers in arms! From individuals to a company of bonded friendship! We got tekan together, facing the floor together and of course train to be a fitter somebody together! 

Just as we were all so used to having the company of each other, we are gonna pass out and head to different unit! Some might become medic, some might become driver, and some? The commanders! But at the end of the day, BMT wasn't as tough as I thought, but was a lot happier than I thought! 

To everyone who have been there since the first day that I enlisted, thank you so much! 
To my brothers in Eagle, it's my pleasure to get to know you! I miss hearing shouting from level 1! "Platoon 3 hurry up!" 
To my special bunch of section mates, you guys were the reason why I could finish my "24km"! You guys were the one who created special memories for me! Life would be very different if I had another set of section mates! I love you guys! 
Lastly, to all my commanders! It's been a good 19 weeks of love hate relationship! But at the end of the day, you guys are awesome and thank you for all the teaching and effort that you have all put in in our training 

With that, I end my first chapter of my NS life! I'm proud to shout "POP LO" 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Hello everyone! It's already May and I've taken a 5 months break from blogging, thinking if I really want to continue writing.

Really glad to have readers asking me when will I update and so on. 

So here are some updates on my 2015!

First update! I survived my 3 years of Polytechnic life! And I just wanna say a very big thank you to everyone who have helped me through my poly days! These people shared many wonderful memories with me! From joy to tears, from handwork to party time! Love you guys! 02 all the way!

Next up would be traveling! Have been planning to travel for a bit before army kicks in! Went to Thailand Bangkok last month for the SongKran Festival 

It was truly fun because it actually brought me back to my childhood because everyone was holding a water gun in their hand and shooting around with random strangers! It was truly a unique experience for me and I hope to get back there next year if schedule allows me to.

The 6 shopaholics! 

Next trip would be off to Taiwan in less than 2 weeks time! I bet it would be another memorable experience though it's not my first trip there! 

P/s: any recommendations for places to visit or shop? Like a must go in Taipei? 

Trips that are still planning would be Vietnam and probably Philippines. 

Lastly, Ah Boys to Men in July! Good luck to me! OCS here I come!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

365 of 365

Current at the SG50 countdown located at the Floating Platform! Wehee!

Anyway, it's the day of 2014 and I would like to take this opportunity to thank every one who spend this wonderful year with me! Haters, readers or anyone! As long as you're reading here, thank you! I love you ❤️

I hope I have grow up as a person in this whole year and people around me too! 

Gonna post up my resolution soon! Till then 

@JUNHAO_P    ^^V
*just realize it's not uploaded*