Monday, August 8, 2011

46th Independence

9th August 1965, Singapore gain independence from the British. In just a wink, it has pass 46 years. Singapore is now 46 years old.

To many Singaporeans, National Day might be just a public holiday or just another day for some. But to me, National Day is an important day. It marks the history of our nation. It marks the successes that Singapore has achieve so far. I might not be someone great out there leading the nation, but 1 thing that I know is that we should be appreciative for what we had achieve so far and remain humble. Do not take things for granted, for what we have today is partly what our forefathers have sacrifice 46 years back. Fighting against the Japanese, breaking up with Malaya and also building the nation from scratch.

As Singaporeans, we should be constantly remind ourself that we must keep this nation going and also not only celebrating this 46th birthday but also the many long years ahead of us.. 47, 48 and the years goes on.

Hereby, I would like to wish all Singaporeans and readers a very Happy 46th National Day. Enjoy the day and remember this deep down in our heart - "We, the citizens of Singapore" and be proud to be a Singaporean.


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