Friday, October 14, 2011

Saying goodbye

13th Oct 2011 was my official last day of school. Had lots of fun! I may always complain about how not happy i was in this class, how i wish i didn't retain but after all, its still a nice, awesome and memorable class!

Thru this class, i made many friends! Some may have drop to 4NA, but those awesome are still around with me! I made friends such as ChiWeng, Chun Hou, SiYu, Aasandra, Syafiq and co.

my table partner and my best cousin<3

I wonder what would my secondary school life be without them! So i should conclude that i do love this class a lot.

Time spent with them are nothing but memories! They may be childish at times, but we all shared memories! Fun, Joy, Peace and laughter!
We mug hard for out exams and do out best together as a class!
Many teachers might look down on us because we were in the LAST CLASS and our results aint as fantastic compared to 4A but there are teachers who truly care and knew that wasn't the fact! They shower us with love and care!

Looking back in time, i could remember how i actually walked into Punggol Secondary School, wearing my short pants looking nerdy! In just a blink of an eye, I'm graduating already.

Time really flies..
6 more days to Science practical, 10 days to English paper!
A shout out to all 4C'11
All the best for Os! Whats left are a week. Do take good care of your health and lets take the last step together! Strive our best and enter our dream course!

And before that, i'm already thinking what to wear for prom! LOL!

p/s: Pictures will be uploaded when i get from JT^^


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