Monday, January 27, 2014


So these 2 weeks have been the busiest week every for school! Wait, the next 3 weeks would be crazy too! But at least 1 group work is done.

So I wanted to say something about myself and my school life. It's never easy. Let's see what I have came out with.

So if you guys know me well enough, I used to hate group work. I always think that I'm never good enough and the laziness in me always drags the group down. People suffered as they had to do more work because I have things that i don't know because I don't listen in class. I really hate the feeling when the lecturer says "ok, form your group now"! I'll just sit there and see which group is kind enough to take me in. Or suay enough to have me.

But how did all these happened? Why did I hated school? Year 1 was really fun. But well, I lost the heart for HSS after FOTC'13 event. Felt that what I did was taken for granted. All I did was solo job. The department have nobody expect me. During camps, I envy every department. They had a proper goal of what to do, what to achieve. They bonded with their empire mates. They had empire dinner or department dinner. I was all alone and I only knew what I was tasked to do a few days before the camp. And at the end of the camp, nobody mention anything to me. Not even a thank you.

And FYI, I even wanted to run for the main com before these problems came. I was really enthu for school event and I joined the events if I'm free.

Slowly, I start skipping school, starts to go home after school instead staying back and hangout with my classmates or HSS friends (seniors). But  I'm like a typical part time student that comes to school just to study and leave school the moment the lesson ends. I don't even have lunch with my classmates.

Time passes and I felt alone in school. I stereotyped my poly friends as "friends" because they only meet up to do work, and nothing else. I've no idea of what to do, nor have I any idea why am I in school. Probably the only reason was to take my attendance. I didn't even join any CCA nor HSSSC. My heart really died for it. The class whatsapp group became dead for 2 months during the holidays. Nobody will ask me out. There was no class activity.

I spent my time with my friends outside or at times at home. I hated school for some reason. Probably the loneliness in school. The hi-bye "friends" that I've found. Truly, nobody will pop by and ask if I want to lunch with them or not. During holidays, not a single call from them to ask me for dinner or a movie.

However, I changed my mind today. The class stood up for me so that I could submit my work. I was really in a state of shock. Never had I imagine that everyone would stand up for this boy who is seldom in school and is super duper lazy. I really want to say that I'm really thankful that I have these people in my life now. During this really stressful period, they encourages me and praise me for the tiny little effort that I put in which directly motivates me. I broke down today. Snapped. Was really tired and kinda angsty because I could not submit my work when I stayed up all night to finish with almost no sleep. But well, you guys people tried your best to help. You guys make me shy la! *teared in class*

Okay, so anyway, I just want to say I'm really blessed to have these people in my life and I love 02!

I'll be back for more. Meanwhile, stay tune while I blog more about Valentine's day event :)


Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Sorry guys but I know I haven't update a proper post for awhile now. I must say that both school and work is really rushing like mad! My school deadlines are all coming! *STRESS*


Hahaha! Oh well, really hope my last year of poly life would be a fruitful one. And thank you to those people who have been supporting me and encouraging me through my lowest point in school.

Cya and be back soon

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Snip snip

Went for a hair cut the other day! Snip snip as usual! Short for the beginning of the year. I'm thinking what colour to dye lor! Like what colour have I not tired? 

Suggestions pls. Haha. Ok, bye

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Just before I sleep

Updating this space before I take my rest. Have been really busy for the whole week. Running here and there, from school to work to friends and family.

So I'll try to update here whenever I'm free. But here's a photo of me. Just love this photo can?!?! HAHAHA

Okay la! Quite modelish leh. Okok. I shall go and rest. Be back real soon.

Till then..

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Brand new year

2014 is indeed very fast. Flying like some jet plane! HAHA! If you haven't realise, it's 3rd Jan 2014 already! People always say that as you grow older, time gets faster. I totally agree lor! I'm like gonna be 20 in 9 months time! Gosh! OMG! Break the 10+ age liao! GOSH GOSH!

Anyway, new year new resolution!

Talking about losing weight, I have always put this in my new year resolution but always failed! HAHA

2) Able to go for more events
Well, I've always wanted to go for events. Late of 2013 was a great start for me. However, events for bloggers seem to be dying down and I'm gonna push it up real hard! Not only for myself but people who love to write and blog on events!

3) Doing well for school
I have never been really studying hard in school. Gonna push myself even harder! After all, it's already the last year of my poly life soon. When april comes, I'll be in my final year. How time flies. I though year 1 was just months ago. Really gonna cherish my last year in school.

4) Love
Gonna cherish that special someone in my life. Pamper, love, dote and everything I could.

5) Readers
This is out to all my readers. Thank you for supporting me all these while. I promise I'll get more great deals for my readers and giveaways too.

6) Everyone have a f*cking good year ahead
This is because many told me 2013 was a tough year. Yea! Life is tough isn't it? If life is always easy, then one wouldn't know to be appreciate what's life.

Okay, ending here and getting back to my school work. Be back real soon! HEHEHE ^^