Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kampong life

Adding on to my previous post, I've said that I went back to Malaysia. Yes! I'm a half Malaysian because my mum used to be a Malaysian!

So some might to curious how is my childhood like..
Here is it..

I'm born in Singapore but raise in Malaysia till the age of 6. I have to start schooling at the age of 7 for primary 1. I did my kindergarden etc in mala
ysia. AWESOME!

Living in Malaysia also allow me to be who I am today. I think that living there let me learn to be more independent. And curious what I do for childhood in Malaysia?

Things that you will NEVER BE ABLE TO DO IN SINGA
  1. Catch tadpole
  2. swim in longkang
  3. Awesome badminton skills
  4. see fruit trees
  5. go pick up durians
  6. have free durians
  7. going out to play with cousins and friends daily
actually there are many more.. too many to list.. And I certainly love my awesome childhood. And I use to sing Malaysia National Anthem when I was
in Kindergarden, colouring the Malaysia flag etc.

I have awesome close ties with my maternal cousins over in Malaysia cos we use to play together and have fun together. I remembered that when I know that I'll be leaving Malaysia to Singapore to study, I was very reluctant but I've got no choice.

But I always enjoy going back!

And I forget to say this. I'm from Malaysia KOTA TINGGI

Photos time~
My favourite photo

Trying to open a druian

Geek baby
my birthday



Done with my photos.. Want more baby photos can check it out in fb! And if you have time, do take a walk at Kota Tinggi. Kota Tinggi have a famous tourist attraction that even Singapore don't have!


Okay. Shall stop here..

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