Thursday, March 8, 2012

Make It Right

We take buses or MRT everyday but have you been gracious during the ride?


Giving up seats?


Moving to the rear?


Saying hi to the bus driver?


Not littering on the trains or buses?


Well, my bus ride to school is always awesome. The moment i board the morning bus, feeling very lethargic, i got a warm greeting from the bus driver.. Isn't it just so awesome? As i live very near to the bus interchange, i would have seats throughout the ride. But i won't forget to give up my seat to those people who needs it more..

My suggestions is that we should have more double decker buses which would have more seats for the passengers, especially the morning peak hours, where students and workers squeezes themselves to rush to work. Since everyone paid the same price fare, why do some people get the seats while some don't. Am i right? Yea..

Well, learn this from Oscar! \/ below

Join the “Make It Right For A Better Ride” Twitter contest and stand to win a pair of movie tickets! More details on


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