Thursday, February 21, 2013


Many of times, we never cherish people or things around you till they are lost.

A friend of mine just lose his dad. Kinda sudden to me and his dad is only about 53 years old.

This kinda wake me up and think a little more. We have been growing up; from a little infant, to a toddler, to a young child before turning into a teenage. Now that I am a young adult, I realize that my parents are getting old too. We always thought that we are the only one who grow but in actual fact, how many times did we actually notice that the hair of your parents are getting more grayish than before?
When was the last time you actually said "I love you" to your parents?

It was always them giving and us receiving. The lose of my friend's dad actually woke me up and start thinking. It's time I grow and take care of myself. It is time I repay back to them.

So friends, readers and whosever who is reading this, do take a day off and spend it with your parents. They are the ones who was with you when you have no money to use. They are the ones who taught you things that you never know. They are the ones who love you more than anything. They are the ones who wants the best for you.

So don't wait anymore. Do it now!

P/s: to my friend, jiayou and all the best for everything! Friends would always be here for you :D


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Nuffnang’s 6th Birthday Bash


Nuffnang have been with me for at least 4-5 years years now?
Ever since my first blog back in 2007 i think? *this is my 3rd blog*
New blog with new kind of life and style? Old blogs have sad memories you know? HAHA

So.. It was kinda sad that I didn't manage to join NUFFNANG at their 5th last year. SO THIS YEAR, I REALLY WANNA BE THERE!!!

So it is always exciting to celebrate someone's birthday! So are you people excited to celebrate Nuffnang's 6th birthday?

So Nuffnang came out with this question this year..

Why do I love Nuffnang?

Basically, I love Nuffnang because it provides me with advertisement banners. This actually makes my blog more lively, with the different advertisement, flashing and showing my readers different things.
*and also to earn some cash la?*

What's more, Nuffnang have contest that always gives away different prizes! I remember that I won a pair of tickets to watch movie with my love one simply but tweeting! It's just so simple and easy to watch free movies!

Who doesn't love NUFFNANG?!

Nuffnang also allows me to know more bloggers as there is always a blogger of the month!


YUP! So..



AT Ballymoons!!!

About Ballymoons

Ballymoons Spirits Bar
Ballymoons Spirits Bar is a refreshing addition to the contemporary ‘style bar’ scene in Singapore. It is the perfect rendezvous place for cocktails and champagne and offers an extensive choice of premium spirits to satisfy the most discerning palates.
If you are seeking comfort, elegance and a genuine touch of class then you are bound to enjoy Ballymoons’ upbeat atmosphere. Indulge in one of their signature cocktails such as the chilled Chocolate or Lychee martini or perhaps treat yourself to the Six in the City deal that offers a selection of 6 drinks for only $36. The perfect solution for after work drinks or a catch up with friends and is available 6 nights a week (Tuesday to Sunday).
 Ballymoons differentiates itself with its level of style, ease and space with plush lounge chairs, high tables and a über chic classic long mahogany bar shipped in specially from Dublin. If you’ve been looking for somewhere new to enjoy your evenings out, Ballymoons is the place to be!
For more information, do check out their website at:
Show some love and support by liking their facebook page here:

Exclusive Beauty Sponsor:
Exclusive Watch Sponsor:


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

V Day

So its actually Valentine's day today but I have no plans! HAHA

Anyone wanna jio me out? Drop me a DM on twitter? Or a mail?

HAHA! Alright! So apparently, I had this weird dream last night!
I think I miss going down to studios? HAHA!

I dreamt that I meet Derick and head down to watch Campus superstar competition in Mediacorps! Cause we were too bored! HAHA!

However, we totally forgot to bring our access pass and can't get in! We were stuck! So we tired going through the radio gate but the security is just too tight! HAHA!

*And i wanted to go by radio gate cause go studios nearer lor*

Then we no choice but to try other entrance! Then i remembered that there was another gate at main where it might be open! So we manage to go through that gate!

So just incase we get caught by security, we run very fast and when we reached the outside of studios, we saw Bryan Wong and Joanna Peh! HAHA! We felt safe! Cause anything, they got pass ma! HAHA!

Then we walked together down to studios! Suddenly got a lot of reports and ask us to post and take photos! HAHA! We took like a million photos before they went into the studios! HAHA!

Totally weird dream!



C2 Lim Yong Hang 林永行

Do check him out and show your support! (Y)

Alright! Have to head out soon!! BYEEEEE! I will try my very best to blog more often since it is my holiday already!!

JUNHAO_P     ^^V