Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Xiaxue VS GushCloud!

So back in August (Post), I mention that blogging these days is really competitive and the whole industry have changed. From a love for writing to really doing purely online advertising and marketing!

In the past, I really enjoyed reading blogs especially bloggers from Nuffnang such as TypicalBen because they could really write well and also because of their lifestyle. All time favorite is of course Xiaxue and i'm saying her not because I wanna get fame or readers from this but because she is always being real! Yes, people might hate her due to the way she writes and insult people but put it this way, if the other person or company did not do anything wrong, will she even bother?

Okay, off to the main point!

So if you have been following social media such as FB and Instagram, you should have seen the post that XiaXue posted recently on Gushcloud. Just in case you don't know, Gushcloud is another company that handle their own bloggers and social media platform.

So detective Xiaxue have been investigating Gushcloud for a year or so to gather evidence and finally, hard work pay off! tadaaa! Her post is out and she posted the evidence of how Gushcloud is actually masking advert and lying on their bloggers' stats!  So for full details, check out Xiaxue's blog :)

So Xiaxue also mentioned this

"If you ask me - and this is purely my guess - I think the fake views merchant had a glitch on those two days, and the system went down so the numbers there more or less reflect the REAL views, which seem believable."

So she did mentioned that it was her PURELY GUESS that the youtube views were fake and bought! Hence, it was the only thing that Althea Lim (Co founder and CMO of Gushcloud) could rebuttal back in the post back to Xiaxue in 14hours! Just so if you Kaypo want read ok? Here is the post! Aiya but don't bother la! I summarize for you what Althea posted ok?

In short, Althea Lim rebuttal in 2 points! 

1) The intention of Xiaxue is to bring Gushcloud down so that Nuffnang would do well

2) Althea posted all the stats of blogger a.k.a youtube channel of Yan Kay Kay, showing that the youtube views were not bought.

That's all! Yes! And I spend 10 freaking minutes reading it! And yes, just 2 short points! wtf!

So from my point of view

1) I truly believe Nuffnang have been doing very well throughout the years. If not why their bloggers can do so well? Why would sponsors come knocking on their door? #UseBrainPlease

2) Probably YanYan had her viewers and well, probably Xiaxue did guess wrongly! Who is right at every guess? Already say guess right? #EnglishFail

So i went to dictionary.com to find out the exact meaning of guess and here you go!
to form an estimate or conjecture (often followed by at or about):

So not confirm correct right? Estimate! Or you need to know what is estimate also? Since guess you also don't know already! Never mind, just head to dictionary.com ok? Free one!

Next, so what bothers me is that, Althea is trying to protect her company but then again, why did she not mention anything about what xiaxue had bring across? Which I think is one of the worst thing they had done! Faking stats and masking adverts?

This is because all the evidence is up on xiaxue blog! Please go read xiaxue blog! It's so exciting! So what I thought was maybe Althea will post the stats of her bloggers in a month's time? And I PURELY GUESS that she might want to call her friends and relatives on her instagram with 400 follows to read all her bloggers blog before she can show that she did not lie on her blogger's stats! What Xiaxue found out was only 3 of her bloggers? Is it? #jiayouOkay?

Indeed, I agree with every word of what Xiaxue mention and I hope Gushcloud could have more time to think before Althea post a post that did not help at all. #


Again, if you want to know the full story, visit xiaxue.sg for more details!

And before anyone fame Xiaxue for anything, I wanna say that this post is purely done because I feel that what she said was purely true and I hope that more people will know about it! Also, I hope that Gushcloud could do something better instead of that 2 short points post!


JUNHAO_P     ^^

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cafe hopping in Taman Molek

Gonna blog on the go while I Head to JB to try out a few cafes and of course shopping! So here we go! 


The Brew Orchestra was the first cafe that I went after shopping!! 

Trying out different type of drinks here! Had a espresso base magic! Pretty good! Atmosphere was good too! Love it! 

Address: 19 Jalan Molek 1/5C, taman Molek, Johor Bahru


Headed to Coffee Loft to try out tea instead! 

My green tea bergamot 

My friend had a latte that looks nice to take a picture! 

Address: No 29, Jalan Molek 1/12, Taman Molek, Johor Bahru


Pouring heavily while we hop to the next cafe! My Liberica specialty coffee! The batrista were really professional, from grinding the beans to making of the syphon. First time looking at the process. It's really cool and interesting! Unlike what we usually have at the typical Starbucks! It's really a place worth visiting for those coffee lovers! 

The making of syphon was really interesting for me ^^

My first try in ice coffee! Good

And lastly, Piccolo latte with tiramisu! YUMYUM 

Address: 73, Jalan Molek 3/10, Taman Molek, Johor Bahru 

So to sum it all up, it was indeed an interesting day, hopping to different cafes and trying out the different coffee! Definitely gonna do it again soon :)

Meanwhile, take care and drink up! 
P/s: photos were taken with my iPhone hence for the lower quality

JUNHAO_P     ^^V

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ilao Ilao

So after the crazy craze! I finally decided to queue and try this over overrated frozen yogurt! Overall was normal except for the sauce! 

Study Tip 101

Hello everyone! I know I haven't had a proper post for quite some time but I'm too lazy at times! *insert sad face*

Anyway, tests are coming for the poly students and all the best for all of you! #Score! 

This was taken while studying! Gonna mug hard for the last semester! #ALLTHEWAY 

Ohh and one tip for study is to actually go to a library that is very quite! Then you can't talk! And people around you are all studying and you will feel the urge to study too! #StudyTip101

@JUNHAO_P.    ^^v

Monday, December 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Short Getaway: Part 1

So I am finally back in town! Had lots of fun traveling around a few countries during my holiday! From Bangkok to Korea and then Malaysia. So for Bangkok, I had went there many times so it was really just shopping. Nothing special but will probably post some photos in the next entry! So this entry, you will see most of the photos that I took in Jeju Island! 

Jeju Island is indeed a interesting place. Nice views, good weather and nice people! We went for different activities like ATV which we were not allowed to bring our phones as they afraid we drop it during the ride! But it was really very fun. Up and down the slopes on the rocky route! We also went to  some parks and scenery places! So green and beautiful and the air was indeed healthy! 

Some photos of me trying to do a photo shoot! 

The place is so photo shoot worthy right?! Brightness, weather and nature! All you need is a perfect "model" and a camera! *trying hard to post*

Then we went to some random parks which I can't remember but isn't it nice?!

Guess who can't resist and took a few shots too?

Then we went to some random parks and isn't it beautiful?

So we were in Jeju for 3 days before we head back to Seoul on th 4th day morning!

But because we had a car in Jeju, we could bring our camera around! 3 DSLR is heavy ok? Hence, we gave up in Seoul and use our photos! Give me some time to post the remaining ones!

Mean while, stay awesome and I'll keep the blog updated! :)


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Out of teen

So if you guys have followed me on my social medias, you should know that I just turn 20 on 15th September. So there was some thoughts on my mind.

It was truly amazing how 20 years have past. As years goes by, I became more and more afraid. Afraid of stepping into the real world, afraid of people living me and afraid of the changes around me.

Okiee, I shall not be so negative. Let's more on.

Le #BFFs w/ their boyfriends

And a toast for the birthday boy!

The party was a blast! Like everyone was super high and I was so high that I got complain by the security. Neighbors below complaint! I'm sorry, but it's my day! Thank you everyone who made this possible! Thank you for all the presents!

First time receiving 4 bottles of red wines and 3 bottles of liquors! I mean usually it's always liquors! Like hard liquors?! Well, I guess as we age, we move on to something better like wines. And the remaining presents was super awesome! Super love it! <3

To sum it all, thank you everyone who wished me via msg, social media or in real life, I am truly blessed and HAPPY 20th to myself once again! 


Friday, August 8, 2014

She is 49

So on 9th August 1965, Singapore gain her independence and today, she is 49! It wasn't easy for Singapore but she made it! Year after year, she became better and better. 

I remember when I was in my secondary school, I was the National Day (School Parade) parade commander for the year 2010. Deep down in my heart, I was happy and proud to be a Singaporean. I was proud of my country. A young country that many others look up to. 

There picture was taken by a friend and I would say that being the parade commander was never easy. The level of stress is really high because all the attention is on you. The teachers, the students and the Guest-Of-Honor which is one of the MP. 

I remembered that nothing went right during the training. Every training, I would say a wrong command. However, on the actual day, everything went smoothly. I was really glad and proud of myself. 

Being the parade commander, it gave me a sense of pride. Holding on to the drill cane and giving out the command and to salute to our country. 



Friday, August 1, 2014

Blogger these days

So I realize as years comes by, more and more company are starting up as a blogging company. Back when I started blogging, the only company was Nuffnang and bloggers from Nuffnang are really the kind of influential and really popular ones. These bloggers could really write.

I started blogging in 2007 when I was using another domain. Do not try to find it. I find those posts really childish. HAHA

I then switch to another domain in 2009 I think and then to this, which is the final one.

From blogging about my own personal life to entering the real world of blogging. But I'm pretty sure people started reading because of my style of writing and also maybe just curios of what I do and stuff.

But these days, bloggers are use for mostly popularity or advertising. If you realize that, some blogs are filled with nothing personal but adverts and sponsored post!

I mean I do have some, but not like all right? I do have some personal ones. Well well, blogging have really become a competitive career instead of a love for writing and sharing things online.

That's about it. #JustSaying and not pointing to any specific blogger or blogging company :)

JUNHAO_P     ^^V

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Loving my new hair

Sponsored Hair Advert

So if you guys remember, I went back to Kota Tinggi, Malaysia. So I went to had my hair trimmed and did a different color to it! Finally dying my hair after 3 months of internship where I had to keep it black!

So I headed over to Reo Salon located at Kota Jaya in Kota Tinggi itself! This salon have been open for about close to a year now. 

Choosing what color to dye!

And here's the outcome! PHOTOS TIME ^-^

I did a brown with slight ash green! Not too obvious in the photos but I'm really pleased with the results! Gonna have my hair trim real soon! 

Address: No 39, Jalan Pedada, Kota Jaya, Kota Tinggi

Contact: +6 016-770 4140

Opening Hours: 10:30am to 7:30pm

Anyway, it's good to ring up before heading over! It's always good to have an appointment, which means no time is wasted :)

Meanwhile, stay awesome :)


Friday, July 18, 2014

Yummy Noodle Stall

Food Review

So I went over to Maxwell the other day and tried out this noodle stall. Really good because they handmade their own noodles. 

The noodles are made from Japanese flour and vegetables! Isn't it healthy? AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, THE PRICE IS SO AFFORDABLE! 

The charsiew wanton noodle!

Taste really different from the typical noodle you find in any other stall! You really have to try it out yourself! #WorthATry (Y)

Beef Brisket Noodle! 

My favorite! Usually you won't find so much beef on it but this comes with lot of meet and the noodle is really fantastic! #GreenNoodle 

Charsiew with tomato noodle! You can really taste the tomato from the noodle and it's like wow! The noodles are really very 'Q' and it's not like the typical noodle where it would stick together or what! Super good! (Y)

Lastly, the lean meat tomato noodle! My favorite too! The lean meat we have outside is usually very dry and hard but this was not! It was soft and tender and it just makes you want to eat more! Those outside ones do not marinate the meat too but they do marinate the meat and it's just so yummy! 

So what are you waiting for? Head down now!

Address: Maxwell Market @ Store 29
Open from 11am to 9pm
Close on weekends 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I am

#JunHaoConfession! I'm such a lazy blogger!
Will update this evening ^-^

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kota Tinggi

Head to Malaysia! Just so you know, I'm actually half a Malaysian. HAHA! My maternal sides are all in Kota Tinggi!

Head to Jusco for a walk with my two cousins. They totally ignore me when I wanted to take photo! *shy cousins*

Bought a bag! Like a finally! Rather cheap. 99.90RM, less than $40! So happy with it. Shall post photos of me with ut soon. Gonna dye and cut hair tmr. Finally adding so colors to my hair. Meanwhile, cheers and Happy Fathers' Day!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Time pass

Time really flies. Haven't been updating for a month or so. Was really busy with my internship and now the start of my Major project. This also mean that I'm graduating soon. 8 more months to go.

Head back to sch today for the Major Project meeting. And also to see my fav girl in her graduation gown. I'm proud of you sister! Time flies. When I first knew you, we were only 10! Now? 20 already. All the best for your future and happy graduation!

And then, head to town and craving satisfied. Tiong Bahru Bakery. Super awesome breads. Mean time. Stay close. Posting up new things real soon

Fern & Kiwi Bar and Eatery

Sponsored Review

I believe that many of you had walked passed Clark Quay taxi stand and happen to saw Fern & Kiwi Bar And Eatery. But how many of you had check it out?

Do you know that Fern & Kiwi serves New Zealand food?
Well, their food are really fresh, promising you the best quality you can imagine. 

And KIAORA means HELLO in native Zealand language! I really love how they add in small details to make me feel like I'm very close to NZ.

Now, time to tour around. I really love how they use a spiral stairs to lead me up to the level 2 where it's really cozy to dine in and the interior design is really fantastic.

Really nice right? I mean, the lights and the design of the walls really beautify the place and make it so cozy that you might thought that you are dining at NZ's home!

Alright. Time for some food! Are you ready?

Wellingtonian (Tomato Pizza)
Slow roasted tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella with parmesan and basil gremolata

The favorite dish by the bar. The thin crust and the mixture of the cheese and tomato just makes want to cleared the whole pizza within minutes! Can you picture it in your mind and feel it?

Sea salt & pepper squid
Lemon, sweet soy, coriander and chili dressing

Salt and pepper is one of the best way to cook really fresh food. However, with the mixture of the lemon, sweet soy, coriander and chili dressing, it became something I had never tried before! And the squid was so perfectly cooked. And you don't feel the oil when you eat it. Good job!

Pan Seared Scallops
Served with grilled asparagus, poached egg and hollandaise sauce with mushroom soil and shaved parmesan. Dipping the fresh scallop into the peached egg and then eat it with the mushroom soil. One word - Wonders!

12 hours Braised Lamb Shank

One way to know if it's well done is to use a fork to slide the meat off the bone. Well, it came off nicely. The taste was good. It was juicy and not too salty. The mixture of mesh potatoes was good. Something unique!

Pork Spare Ribs

If you didn't order this, I guess you haven't really tried. The juice from the ribs along with the special sauce was just too "WOW". The meat just melted off the ribs so easily in a medley of fats, tender fibers of pork and juice. If you ever had a hankering for pork ribs, you know where to go. It's really good. Highly recommended!
 The ribs come in 4, 6 and 12.

New Zealand King Salmon Fillet

It was served on a bed of green lipped mussels and sumac risotto with dill creme fraiche and vie tomato confit. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of cooked Salmon. However, this was different. It was not fully cooked and you can still taste the freshness of the King salmon. Totally worth a shot! 

And now, it's dessert time!

Hot Chocolate Pudding

Different! I thought it would be like the usual molten chocolate we usual find in the cafes, But this was really different! Try it to know the wonders behind it!

Kiwi Eton Pavlova 

Crushed pavlova and raspberry snow with passion fruit, kiwi, chantilly cream and doris plum ice-cream. Ever try such a different dessert? I bet the answer is no! GIVE IT A SHOT! 
The plum ice-cream was very tasty and refreshing, totally redolent of the exotic richness of plum. Mixture of different fruits and the chantilly cream with the crushed pavlova. Thumbs up!

So if you are thinking of a great place for a authentic NewZealand meal, do consider Fern & Kiwi Bar and Eatery. It is also a good place for gathering and feeling comfortable and chilling. 

Environment : 4/5
Food              : 4.5/5

How to get there?

View Larger Map

Fern & Kiwi Bar & Eatery
3E River Valley Road, #01-02/03 The Cannery, (opposite TCC at Taxi Stand)
Clarke Quay, Singapore 179024
Tel: +65 6336 2271