Friday, August 1, 2014

Blogger these days

So I realize as years comes by, more and more company are starting up as a blogging company. Back when I started blogging, the only company was Nuffnang and bloggers from Nuffnang are really the kind of influential and really popular ones. These bloggers could really write.

I started blogging in 2007 when I was using another domain. Do not try to find it. I find those posts really childish. HAHA

I then switch to another domain in 2009 I think and then to this, which is the final one.

From blogging about my own personal life to entering the real world of blogging. But I'm pretty sure people started reading because of my style of writing and also maybe just curios of what I do and stuff.

But these days, bloggers are use for mostly popularity or advertising. If you realize that, some blogs are filled with nothing personal but adverts and sponsored post!

I mean I do have some, but not like all right? I do have some personal ones. Well well, blogging have really become a competitive career instead of a love for writing and sharing things online.

That's about it. #JustSaying and not pointing to any specific blogger or blogging company :)

JUNHAO_P     ^^V

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