Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Getting Lazy


Yes! I'm really getting lazy to blog.. Time passes so fast! Its already 28th Dec 2011.. Few days to 2012!

Any plans? Any New Year resolutions?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Wish You

How did you spent your Christmas eve and Christmas?! Presents for me?


Friday, December 23, 2011

Please wait

I'll be right back

*I have many things to post*


Friday, December 16, 2011

No idea

Sometimes, i am wondering if my post arouse any readers.. Dumb head!

And i have no idea what to post.. Nothing interesting, yet i am in
Maybe, its a habit of typing and coming to this page and then wondering what to post.. photos then?

This photo was taken months back! ENJOY!



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Short update

A photo of Ivan's 18th birthday! More photos? FB please! HAHA!!

alright! How shall i begin?
Back from all the rush! Working all this while.. But i got my off day yesterday! So, head into JB with JingTing and JingMei! Took bus in and when we were in JB, i wanted to borrow my cousin car to drive them around to shop and eat but my cousin need the car on that day, so he drove me to KSL!

Ate and shopped and cab back to City Square!! Photos were all in JingTing's camera so i shall update photos when ready..

off to sleep.. Night guys!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Be Right Back!!

Gonna update my blog tomorrow night! On the birthday celebration for baby and ivan!

For baby's, we head to Riders Cafe.. Not bad but only if it is slightly more convenient!

For Ivan's, we gave him a surprise! Shall tell you all on the next post when i have finish editing and transferring the photos! ^^

And if you miss me?


Friday, December 9, 2011

AGM 2011

Having AGM with my awesome NPCC MATES for AGM 2011
Hope I'll have fun

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Back from shooting.. Currently filming a drama which would probably be showing in July.. Main actors are Edwin, Jayley, Justin and co.. I'm just their 'classmate'! But its the experience that i learn from.. The kind of look and things that i need to look out for..

Pretty fun! Although it may be bored at times..

But with the entertainment from the director? Its not bored at all

With director GuoShen! I swear he is the best director! Funny, Cute, Laughable, Joker and most importantly, he is not fierce! He don't scold when we do wrong.. He have many patients!

With Zing!! She is the AD for the show!! Also another fun loving and funny joker! Very cute too! And also my smoking kaki! And also with Edwin Goh..

And lastly, my chinese relieve teacher! HUANG JING LUN!! WTF right? He is so CUTE and Gentle! And he sings so well!!

Alright! I can't put too many photos up yet.. Must wait till the drama is up.. So do support and catch me in it okay?!

Got to go now! Working tomorrow


Friday, December 2, 2011



Thursday, December 1, 2011


Its a super long ago picture! 17.11.11 celebrating my cousin's gf birthday at JB- The Zon
The girl in the picture? Yes! The birthday girl..

Weekend is coming! And i'll be filming this weekend! Excited much!!

I'll be filming with ________________________________________.

Shall not mention the names first.. HAHA!! Giving you all some time to guess? HAHA!
Not sure how will it goes.. Lets wait and see! HAHA! Busy month uh? Many filming days..

Go to go now.. Heading out to look for baby's birthday present


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Filming Experience

Its my first time! Not as an actor i guess? But those "extra" ? LOL

Its not fun but the remaining days might be more fun! Having people like Edwin Goh, Jayley Woo, Justin etc as my classmates? LOL!

But i have to spray my hair black! =.=

So i shall dye it black i guess? or maybe spray because i might not have really many scenes..

Other than filming, I'm also working my current job? But i'll not work after Dec ends.. Its just too boring! All i have to do is stand there for 8 to 11 hours? And all i have to do is talk to my friends cos there is no customer!

Anyway, baby birthday is coming so i'm troubled of what to get for her.. Any suggestions?
Got to go now.. Too tired already..


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Its 4 O'clock in the morning

So, I'm blogging at this hour because i just came home! And i had just eaten Prata!

So, i'll just come here and say HI to my readers! HAHA

Okay! Cya around.. bye


Saturday, November 26, 2011


Hello! I'm back!


Yes me again!!

With Amanda and her ghostly face 0.0

Looks so innocent right? like gong gong like that?

Okay.. Have been working for the past few days.. Tired max okay? Tomorrow and then, off day! Awesome!! Gonna bring my cousins out to catch "Already Famous" which we have all been waiting for! Do catch it okay? Its the best Singapore movie of the year!

Anyway, if you guys wanna buy watch? Come down to Tangs Orchard or Tang Vivo to look for me! I'll provide you with the best customer service:D Aint I good? HAHA *self-praise*

Okay, gonna catch Break Dawn now.. Cya guys!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm actually yawning.. LOL

I got nothing to blog about.. But i just wanna blog.. Insane right?

okay.. then i shall go to sleep.. HAHA Bye guys!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Did I actually told you that I found my 2 besties in 4C'11?

Brothers and Sisters for life okay? Don't let anything break our friendship bonds..


Monday, November 21, 2011


Leaving the school should be something that every student wants when they just stepped into their secondary school, so was I. I hated the time when there was hair check, the homeworks and many other restrictions. However, now that i have graduated, i miss the school..

Yesterday was my graduation night.. Check it out..

While going there..
So sweet couple right?

The PEH family


After we reached the place which is located at Grand Central Hotel (not GRAND at all), we camwhore!

With 4Express Prom QUEEN

See what my principle wore? SEXY uh?!

5NA Prom King!

Keenan and 4Exp Prom princess

Pravin A.K.A the magician cos he dress like one right? HAHA!! Maybe he had just hid some rabbits or maybe snakes inside the fedora.. HAHA

Jeslyn, my sister and awesome mate..


And presenting to you! 4C'11

4Express Prom King! Ain't he cute?!?!

5NA Prom Queen

The event ended about 10plus i think? So Daniel, Jing Ting and I head to the mall beside to have a walk and Jing Ting was complaining about how thirsty she was..

So we head to Mac and i guess who we saw?


Holy Shit.. How lucky could i even be?! OMG! He was the one who inspire me to blog.. HAHA! Blog to be someone out there.. ^^ Anyway, check his blog out..

Alright!! Enough of those stupid grandmother stories.. Shall end here..


Secondary School Life

Prom was nothing but a total success!

ohh.. photos will be up tomorrow cos i can't find the cable now to transfer the photos over..

The event start by singing the school song. While singing the school song, memories was triggered.. From the day i step into the school.. The fun we had.. I may not graduate with the batch i came with, but i smile while i graduate.. Thinking back of the times, when we were wearing out short pants, looking innocent.. Till we graduated with long pants and enjoying our prom night.. It actually saddens me a bit because i really miss those awesome teachers.. Mr Low, Mr bobby, Mr Wu, and many many more.. The fun and joy we shared, the tears we shed and also the stresses we went through.. All this have past, but it will be deeply stored in my heart and labeled MY SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE..

So, to all my juniors out there, enjoy your secondary life! Such things only comes once in a life time.. Do learn to appreciate the teachers in Punggol Secondary School. They are the BEST in the world..


Saturday, November 19, 2011


Few days back which was Diana's Birthday! My God-mother!

i seriously don't look good in this.. Look ilk drunk but i'm obviously not!

Anyway, my Prom is on monday so i'll blog on tuesday i guess.. HAHA! Prom photos will be up so do come back if you want to see what i'll be wearing!

actually, i haven decide on what to wear.. HAHA!

But i'll go walk around tomorrow to see.. Shall be able to find some nice stuff
Going sleep soon!



Just posting

I actually got nothing to blog about cos i have not got those photos that i need..

So Pls be patient..


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hey guys! I'm back! HAHA! Know what? I've actually many photos to post but its all not with me yet! HAHA! so gonna wait till i get it okay? HAHA!

Ohh and i'm working already! HAHA! So time will be very precious! But i'll still try my best to blog as frequent as possible okay?

Gonna head to bed now.. Dead Beat! Working at 10am tomorrow!


Sunday, November 13, 2011


Currently cooking noodle before my last paper at 2pm
Life will be back to me at 3pm sharp!
Lets party!!

I'll be back


Friday, November 11, 2011

You are the APPLE of my eyes

Yup! Had fun yesterday with my cousin and his 2 friends in JB.. And i'm back! HAHA!

Went there in the afternoon and back in the night.. Know why? I want to spend my 11.11.11 with my SillyGirl<3 *Aint i sweet?*

So what did i actually do in JB? HAHA!! I HAD FACIAL! MY VERY FIRST FACIAL!
Not bad.. Can try it out.. HAHA! Will be going back in 2 weeks for another wash..

So as i was saying, i spent my night with my SillyGirl..
Went to watch a movie that I had always wanted!


Super nice really! No joke but its NC 16.. HAHA!

Anyway, going to Nicole's Birthday party later.. Photos will be uploaded cos i'll be bringing my camera! HAHA


Thursday, November 10, 2011


Just in case you miss me?

Heading to JB in about 8hours time? Meeting cousin and his friend i guess. didn't seen them for a long time! About 3 months i guess? HAHA!

Sleeping soon! Waking up early tomorrow!



Heading to JB in about 8hours time? Meeting cousin and his friend i guess. didn't seen them for a long time! About 3 months i guess? HAHA!

Sleeping soon! Waking up early tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Last lap


Tomorrow is my unofficial last paper!!! Chinese paper! Like FINALLY

Monday will be Science MCQ.. But before that, i'll be heading to Johor with some of the AWESOME ONES this friday.. SHOPPING FOR MY PROM NIGHT!!

Go to head to bed now! Morning paper tomorrow!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Night Out

Yes! I'm back with exciting photos! Had a great time today! Went to watch Tower Heist today with THE AWESOME group..

Also to celebrate JiaYu's birthday with falls on last tuesday.. HAHA


While waiting for the rest

Trying out some magic tricks?

With TiongHui

I love this effect! So cool

my leather shoe with my Gucci wallet?

My legs!!

Alright! So you as you can see, we were so bored then we can't stop camwhore!

Ohh.. After the movie, we head to so coffee shop for supper cos Melvin has a car!
And he randomly ask this question..

What do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I'm sure that to many people, they would just randomly say army? Study? etc..
But this question actually trigger some thoughts in my mind..
My future.. 5 years time.. I know that i'll be serving the country.. So i was like.. What about after my service? would i want to continue my service or to study? What about working? When would i have the ability to earn big bucks? When would i be able to have my very own car? When would i be able to support myself fully and give money to my parents?

I thought a lot to myself. At that point of time, I knew that I got to do something. But how? How do I get started?

Let me think and i'll probably post about it when i have the answer..

What about you? What do you see yourself in 5 years time?