Monday, November 21, 2011

Secondary School Life

Prom was nothing but a total success!

ohh.. photos will be up tomorrow cos i can't find the cable now to transfer the photos over..

The event start by singing the school song. While singing the school song, memories was triggered.. From the day i step into the school.. The fun we had.. I may not graduate with the batch i came with, but i smile while i graduate.. Thinking back of the times, when we were wearing out short pants, looking innocent.. Till we graduated with long pants and enjoying our prom night.. It actually saddens me a bit because i really miss those awesome teachers.. Mr Low, Mr bobby, Mr Wu, and many many more.. The fun and joy we shared, the tears we shed and also the stresses we went through.. All this have past, but it will be deeply stored in my heart and labeled MY SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE..

So, to all my juniors out there, enjoy your secondary life! Such things only comes once in a life time.. Do learn to appreciate the teachers in Punggol Secondary School. They are the BEST in the world..


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